- transfiguration
- видоизменение; преобразование
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
transfiguration — [ trɑ̃sfigyrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1265; lat. transfiguratio 1 ♦ Relig. chrét. Changement miraculeux dans l apparence du Christ transfiguré. Fête de la Transfiguration (6 août). 2 ♦ Action de transfigurer, état de ce qui est transfiguré. « À partir de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Transfiguration — may refer to:* Transfiguration of Jesus, an event reported by the Synoptic Gospels in which Jesus underwent transfiguration * Transfiguration (Raphael), a painting depicting the Transfiguration of Jesus * Transfiguration (in religion), a… … Wikipedia
Transfiguration — • Culminating point of Christ s public life, as His Baptism is its starting point, and His Ascension its end Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Transfiguration Transfiguration … Catholic encyclopedia
transfiguration — Transfiguration. s. f. v. Changement en une autre figure. Il n a d usage qu en cette phrase. La Transfiguration de nostre Seigneur … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
transfiguration — [trans fig΄yo͞o rā′shən, trans΄figyo͞o rā′shən] n. 1. a transfiguring or being transfigured 2. [T ] Bible the change in the appearance of Jesus on the mountain: Matt. 17 3. [T ] a church festival (Aug. 6) commemorating the Transfiguration … English World dictionary
Transfiguration — (lat.), Verklärung, besonders diejenige Christi auf dem Berge Tabor (Matth. 17), zu deren Andenken die griechische und römische Kirche 6. Aug. ein besonderes Fest feiern. Berühmt ist Raffaels Gemälde in der Galerie des Vatikans; andre… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Transfiguration — (lat.), Umgestaltung, bes. Verklärung Christi … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
transfiguration — index development (progression) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
transfiguration — (n.) late 14c., from L. transfigurationem, noun of action from pp. stem of transfigurare (see TRANSFIGURE (Cf. transfigure)). In English, originally the change in appearance of Christ before his disciples (Matt. xvii:2; Mark ix:2,3). The non… … Etymology dictionary
transfiguration — transformation, metamorphosis, transmutation, conversion, transmogrification (see under TRANSFORM) Analogous words: exaltation, magnification (see corresponding verbs at EXALT): enhancing, heightening, intensifying (see INTENSIFY) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
transfiguration — Transfiguration, Transfiguratio … Thresor de la langue françoyse